-The Comparatives-

Intro to Societal laws

The Comparatives

The best way to be prosperous in life, in the strong statement is to have a selfless understanding of its structure.

What structure?

A structure defined by hidden rules and laws.

Little minuscule requirements of society and more importantly the large and basic rules.

We have built a society where social shame comes impeding onto someone before brute force.

Break and bend the rules…

Receive humiliation.

It isn’t good or bad, truthfully it depends on what people do with these rules.

Just like power.

Its moral judgement is defined by persons intention.

But how do these rules and laws compare to reality?

Do they truly have a function of importance?

Or in this case a function at all?

Some don’t and some do have a function.

Some of these societal rules and laws have a logical function that correlates well with reality.

Correlate = Compare

Comparing is only defining the correlation of two different things.

To compare a societal rule or law you must have an outlook.

Outlooks are how people see certain things. How you see defines what you see.

But how do we even know that we’re intact with reality?

Of course, there is the basic truth.

The basic truth is -

1 - If you work hard and make good decisions you will be well off.

2- If you’re forgiving then others will be more forgiving.

3- You will achieve whatever you desire or envision.

4- If you want to understand something by its truth then seek facts and statistics and moreover seek the believed truth.

5- The more focused you are on a specific task the easier it will be to achieve it.

6- You don’t get everything you want but you have the potential to get anything you want.


But there are many corridors to certain societal rules that are secret.

These corridors could be called shortcuts to wealth and prosperity.

Many overlook the societal Rules and laws, you can call them arrogant.

They will reap what they sow.

Sowing arrogance into the seed will give you exactly the result of arrogance, even if you’re not an arrogant person.

That is the 1st societal rule.

-Understand that you will eventually get in return for what you give. Become generous then reap what is generous.

Before I close off on this newsletter interestingly there is a certain testing that happens before a person's loyalty to a specific rule is proved and then rewarded.

Some people wanted to follow the rules of success and they did so.

But they stopped after 6 months of following these rules because they didn’t get any results, some stopped even after the 1st week.

2 Different things went wrong…

1- they looked over or forgot some rules to success. One being, “You must stay consistent in your pursuit for wealth over a long Time-period.”

2- They found the wrong rule set to live by while following that pursuit.

One is due to ignorance and another is due to misguidance.

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